Ensure you are meeting any Federal, State, or Local tax requirements for your business.
My Alabama Taxes (MAT) is the official web portal for the Alabama Department of Revenue. All business entities wishing to do business in Alabama must register for a unique Alabama Tax ID using MAT. The portal also makes it easy to file tax returns, make payments and process other important transactions related to business taxation.
Once you have a Tax ID, you will be able to obtain your State/County Business Privilege License and City of Mobile Business License, which we’ll cover in later sections.
Register online for an Alabama Tax ID through the My Alabama Taxes Portal.
Obtaining a Tax ID is free. It will take approximately 3 to 5 days for the Alabama Department of Revenue to process your application.
A Certificate of Compliance confirms that your business is in compliance with the Alabama Department of Revenue. The City uses a certificate of compliance to ensure your business has paid and filed taxes in a timely fashion.
Request a Certificate of Compliance through the Alabama Department of Revenue .
Obtaining a Certificate of Compliance costs $14. It will take approximately 3 to 5 days for the Alabama Department of Revenue to process your application.
You will need several types of business licenses to do business in the City of Mobile. This section describes the necessary State/County Business Privilege License, which is different than the City of Mobile Business License.
Business privilege license is a general term for the different types of local and state licenses that are required to do business in the state of Alabama. Most business privilege licenses must be obtained in the county where the business is located. If you wish to do business in Mobile County, you will need to apply for a business privilege license through the Mobile County License Commission.
A business privilege license is a requirement for all businesses operating in Alabama. Most licenses must be obtained in the county where a business is to be located and are to be purchased prior to the start of business. You can get your Business Privilege license from the Mobile County License Commission.
You can obtain a Business Privilege License by completing the necessary form from the Mobile County License Commission.
Forms can be returned via mail, fax or in-person. It will take approximately 2 to 3 weeks for the Commission to process your application.